
Can Wake County go completely green by 2050?

N&O Clean Energy

Wake County might endorse a transition from fossil fuels to 100 percent clean energy by 2050, a lofty goal that officials say is necessary to combat climate change.
Wake commissioners serving on the county board’s growth, land use and environment committee debated a “clean energy resolution” Monday that endorses a shift from fossil fuels like gas and coal to renewable energy such as solar and wind power on the county, state and national level. The full board of commissioners will likely consider the plan in April or May.
“This is mainstream now,” said Commissioner Sig Hutchinson. “This is where, ultimately, we need to be going as a county. A resolution of this type sends a message to the community and staff that this is the direction we think is important.”
The resolution calls for the shift to “avoid climate catastrophe, to promote job creation and economic growth and protect the Earth for current and future generations from climate catastrophe.” It also calls for Wake to establish sector clean energy goals within the year and “actively oppose infrastructure whose primary purpose is transporting or storing fossil fuels in or through Wake County.”
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