No One Should Be Left Behind
COVID-19 Resources
- Summer meal sites for children & food resources for families during COVID
- Drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites
- Wake Network of Care – a comprehensive portal for housing, food access, transportation, as well as child and family services in Wake County
- Wake Forward – small business assistance program

Supporting Low & Fixed-Income Citizens:
- 20-Year Affordable Housing Plan
- $14M/yr in affordable housing spending
- New Oak City Cares center to provide immediate assistance to those experiencing homelessness
- Passed Wake County Food Security Plan
- Preserve farmland, provide training to young farmers
- Address the food desert issue countywide
- Fight student hunger, with Universal School Breakfast in public schools
- Adopted the “Frequent Faces” data collection effort with sheriffs, hospitals and Wake County human services, to determine where services can be more effectively delivered to those who frequently receive expensive behavioral care in the ER or Jail
- New behavioral health urgent care
- New maternity health care clinic