Great Schools Group Praises Wake Commissioners

Great Schools Group Praises Wake Commissioners


Great Schools in Wake lauded outgoing school board Chairwoman Christine Kushner and the new Wake County commissioners at a forum this week.

Kushner’s term as Wake County school board chairwoman ends Tuesday. Kushner drew loud applause at this week’s assignment forum organized by Great Schools, a left-leaning community group that promotes public schools in Wake.

“We’ve already seen some remarkable things come from our school system under the leadership for two years of Christine Kushner, which has been amazing,” said Yevonne Brannon, chairwoman of Great Schools in Wake.

Brannon also said that Commissioners Matt Calabria, Jessica Holmes and Sig Hutchinson, who were all elected in November 2014, have made history over the past year. She cited accomplishments such as raising the minimum salaries for county employees, expanding pre-kindergarten spaces and work on the transit plan.

“I’ve never been more amazed, proud and excited to see the compassion that they have for the people of Wake County and the compassion they have for making a difference in the things that are going on,” said Brannon, a former Wake commissioner.

International Cricket Council leaders visit Morrisville

International Cricket Council leaders visit Morrisville

Morrisville Cricket 2

Wake County Commissioner Sig Hutchinson takes a swing on the cricket pitch during an impromptu demonstration, with Morrisville Mayor Mark Stohlman catching. Bowling the ball was Parth Patel (not pictured), president of the Triangle Cricket League. Officials from the International Cricket Council stopped by Morrisville Monday, Nov. 16, to visit the town’s new $5.2 million Church Street Park, which has the only regulation-size cricket field within hundreds of miles.

Read the full story in the News and Observer